Expert Access Control Services in Queensland

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  • Why use access control services

    Few employers want to allow all their employees access to all facilities all of the time. That’s why more and more businesses are using electronic access control systems to limit employees’ admission to certain areas. At the very least, you can use electronic access control system to allow only authorised employees into a building after hours. They can also provide excellent documentation of when and where employees enter and exit the business premises.

    Electronic access control systems are also the only technology that proactively attempts to keep unauthorised individuals out of buildings or certain areas within a facility. Combined with video surveillance and burglar and fire systems, electronic access control systems make up part of a comprehensive security solution.

  • Benefits

    Access control systems are an extremely effective deterrent. They provide a very efficient means of granting entry, while maintaining a high level of building and property security. By preventing just one serious loss incident per year, an access control system more than pays for itself.

    In addition to asset protection, access control systems provide assurance and protect employees. The system allows entry to only authorised individuals and keeps unwelcome intruders out. The system restricts individual movement, as well as controls who may enter specific areas at specific times. The access control system not only restricts who can go where at certain times of the day and night. It also provides an audit trail of times that individuals are accessing various facilities.

    Thus, making it easier for Business managers to find out who was in a specific area at the exact time that an incident occurred.

    Access control systems also eliminate problems associated with mechanical key and lock systems. Problems such as the time and cost of replacing keys after the termination of an employees contract; the cost of duplicate keys; lost keys and tracking who has the keys; or worrying about easy-to-duplicate keys landing in the wrong hands.

  • What we do for you

    The Australian Security Company has been the leaders in Queensland. Over the past two decades, we have installed and serviced sites throughout Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

    Call now to discuss your requirements with our friendly experts. All your questions will be answered honestly so you can make an informed decision regarding your security needs.

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Call the friendly experts at Australian Security Company for details! (07) 5532 6644

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