By websitebuilder 10 Oct, 2018

For years we’ve seen security cameras in shopping centres and airports, but nowadays business owners and homeowners are investing in security cameras too. Is this just a fad or are security cameras here to stay?

As security specialists, we can say without a doubt CCTV systems and security cameras are here to stay. Don’t believe us? Here are 3 reasons why security cameras aren’t just a fad:

Reason 1: A Deterrent

Not only are these camera systems important security tools, they are also a fantastic way to deter any unwanted attention.

In fact, many accept CCTV systems to be one of the most effective crime prevention tools. The very presence of a security camera can help dissuade criminal activity, including theft, assault and even robbery.

Reason 2: A Watchful Eye

Simply put, CCTV cameras watch your property when you aren’t there. For both homes and businesses, alarm systems are an excellent way to protect your premise and your people. But, security cameras can provide a whole new level of security and protection.

After all, they can tirelessly keep watch over your entire property as well as record and document any goings-on, including suspicious activity near your property or vandalism to your property.

Reason 3: Evidence

Unfortunately, not all security camera footage receives video verification. However, that doesn’t mean your security cameras won’t pick up important things.

For example, if for some reason a robbery occurs or someone vandalises your property, your CCTV cameras can record and collect evidence of the crime.

It is important to note that there are strict policies in place to ensure no doctored or edited video enters evidence. That’s why your CCTV footage may not make it to the courtroom.

You can, however, use your CCTV camera footage to assist your local authorities. You can also submit your security camera footage as proof to your insurance company when you put a claim in.

Are you interested in upgrading your security system? We, the Australian Security Company, have high definition digital video and IP surveillance systems available to suit any budget. We also offer a wide range of cameras that vary in quality and functionality.

To find out more about CCTV systems and security cameras give us a call. We’d be happy to assist you with both your home and business security.

By websitebuilder 10 Oct, 2018

Technology and security systems are constantly updated, modernised and improved. Years ago, access control wasn’t available. Simple alarm systems were all that was available to those wanting to secure their homes and businesses.

Nowadays, however, security systems are a lot more comprehensive. They let you not only grant access but also restrict access. These security systems can, for example, restrict access to server rooms or finance divisions where petty cash is kept. They can also restrict certain personnel from entering an office building during the weekends.

Access control and alarm systems – what’s the difference between?

An alarm system, as you know, is a security system put in place to protect your premises. It can be set or activated to protect your home or business when you’re not there.

As you know, alarm systems don’t stop others from entering your property, nor do they grant access to anyone. They simply notify you and your security company when someone has attempted to enter your premises.

Comparatively, access control, despite being a type of security system, does the opposite. These systems both restrict and allow access to various people.

Ultimately, this type of security system lets you select who you’d like to give access to and when. They also lets you restrict the access of specific staff members and lets you keep specific people out, such as disgruntled ex-employees or persistent door-to-door travellers.

When it comes to access security there is an array of access control security mechanism available. You can opt for identification-based access where cards, magnetic tags or identification badges gain you entry into specific areas.

There are also keypad and biometric access control systems. These systems are both very effective and difficult to hack – making them a favourite among businesses.

Essentially, alarm systems ring the warning bells and notify you of attempted breaking and entering or trespassing, where as access control ensures those who aren’t welcome can’t gain access.

Want to find out more about access control ? Need professional security advice? Contact us today and receive an obligation-free security assessment:

By websitebuilder 10 Oct, 2018

In a world where criminals are getting smarter, it’s important to have more than one security measure in place to protect your business property, equipment and employees.

Having a standard alarm system in place provides some protection and they are useful deterrents. However, by the time your alarm sounds, it means someone has already trespassed onto your business’s property.

We, at the Australian Security Company, believe in combining modern CCTV technology, professional manpower and alarm system monitoring services to provide comprehensive security to businesses who need it.

In fact, by combining CCTV security cameras, alarm monitoring and guard patrols we are able to watch and secure your business property when you aren’t able to.

Security must-have 1:

CCTV cameras keep a watchful eye on your property and provide a record of who enters your property and when. Having recorded evidence isn’t the only benefit of CCTV cameras. Did you know, their presence acts as a deterrent as well? After seeing a business has camera surveillance, criminals are less likely to try their luck.

Security must-have 2:

Along the same lines, guard patrols also help to deter criminal behaviour, such as robbery, vandalism and arson. Ultimately, our guards are available to actively monitor your premises and act as a preventative measure.

Our professional guard patrols operate throughout the Eastern Seaboard, including Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Sydney and Melbourne and are available to businesses in these regions.

Security must-have 3:

Last, but certainly not least, a monitored alarm system allows us to react quickly and effectively if trespassing or breaking and entering occurs.

Ultimately, with a monitored alarm system we’re are able to keep close watch over your alarm signals. This is important because these signals are the means by which we are informed about unusual or suspicious activity on your premises.

Want to know more about business security and the options available to you? Perhaps you’re looking for a security solution to fit your budget? Feel free to contact us and arrange an obligation free security assessment:

By websitebuilder 10 Oct, 2018

Very rarely do people get things for free anymore – that’s why our alarm monitoring special is such a great deal.

In fact, if you sign up for our professional alarm monitoring services today, you’ll receive three months of alarm monitoring for FREE.

That’s right, three months free of charge! Not to mention, the benefits of having a watchful eye on your home or business property.

Furthermore, this special isn’t limited to a home or business premises. So, whether it’s for your family home or your office, we’re here to help.

What is Alarm Monitoring?

To clarify, alarm monitoring is a security service. It allows security professionals to monitor your security system looking for possible alerts and warnings.

In other words, alarm monitoring is your alarm system speaking to a security monitoring centre.

Ultimately, your alarm sends alerts through to our monitoring centre on a regular basis, notifying us of any irregularities.

As a result, this communication ensures you are able to receive help in the event of trespassing, break-ins, theft or violent crimes.

If you’d like to find out more about alarm monitoring, please read our blog post “ What does Back to Base Alarm Monitoring mean?

Where in Australia do we operate?

We, the Australian Security Company, operate throughout Australia with a footprint covering the Eastern Seaboard, including Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Sydney & Melbourne.

Equally important, we have a Grade A1 security status in line with Australian Standards AS2201-2-2004 – a prestigious security accreditation.

Ultimately, our Grade A1 security status shows we are compliant with the following security specifications:

  • Licensed staff with strong skill-sets
  • Ongoing competency-based training programmes
  • Continuous Security Monitoring Centre and Perimeter Surveillance
  • State of the art security protection monitoring

Are you interested in other security services offered by the Australian Security Company? Here’s a list of all the professional security services we offer:

  • Alarm systems
  • CCTV system & remote video verification
  • Intercom and Access Control systems
  • Security Guards, Security Patrol and Security Guard Escort services
  • Installation and Service of Security systems
  • Security Risk Management
  • 24hr Electronic Security monitoring

If you’re not sure which security services you require, please contact us and we will perform an obligation-free security assessment for you. In fact, this assessment ensures we find a security solution to fit your needs and your pocket.

For more information on our services, our specials or information on our obligation-free security assessment, please contact us on (07) 5532 6644.

  • Alarm systems
  • CCTV system & remote video verification
  • Intercom and Access Control systems
  • Security Guards, Security Patrol and Security Guard Escort services
  • Installation and Service of Security systems
  • Security Risk Management
  • 24hr Electronic Security monitoring

If you’re not sure what security services you require, please contact us and we will perform an obligation-free security assessment for you. This assessment ensures we find a security solution to fit your needs and your pocket.

For more information on our services, our specials or information on the obligation-free assessment, please contact us on (07) 5532 6644.

By websitebuilder 10 Oct, 2018

As strange as it may sound, false alarms can be dangerous. Why you ask? The reason is simple. A security alarm is in place to protect a building and its contents, including people. If the alarm goes off, that signals to us that you need help.

The problem with false alarms is that if we respond to a false emergency it wastes time, which impacts our ability to protect someone who is in real danger.

Ultimately, responding to an alarm takes resources, such as trained security personnel, vehicles and protective gear. Responding to false alarms thins out these resources, which could have a life or death impact on someone else – someone who is in need of assistance and protection.

False alarms aren’t generally intentional, nor are they usually anyone’s fault. Some may be a bit too slow to type their alarm code in. While others may have pets or young children who accidentally set the alarm off.

Whatever the reason, it’s clear that more often than not, there is no ill intent behind a false alarm. However, it could still have a negative impact on those in your community. Here are 3 checks you can perform to help you reduce the risk of a false alarm:

  • Prevent false alarms with maintenance

Alarm maintenance isn’t only important in preventing false alarms, it’s also important for your protection.

Servicing and maintaining your alarm system means that your sensors and keypad are all kept in working order. It also ensures there aren’t any weaknesses in your system. Weaknesses that someone could exploit, such as a loose sensor on a window.

In contrast, maintenance also fixes issues such as over sensitive sensors. For example, a door sensor that is too sensitive and triggers your alarm whenever there’s a slight breeze.

  • Make alarm adjustments

As we mentioned before, false alarms normally aren’t intentional and are often the fault of a pet. For this reason, we suggest contacting us for an obligation-free security assessment.

An assessment will be able to assist you with possible security weak points. Not to mention, it assists you in identifying much-needed adjustments. Adjustments that will accommodate your pets, children and even your lifestyle.

Things such as changing the height of your motion sensors and the sensitivity of the sensors on your windows and doors could assist greatly in preventing false alarms. You could also change the amount of time you have to input your alarm code.

  • Know your system

Not everyone is technically inclined and getting to know your alarm system may seem a bit frightening. However, you have nothing to worry about.

When we say ‘know your system,’ we mean you should make mental notes of any issues and memorise your alarm code.

So, if a false alarm occurs, you can let your security company know there is an issue with, for example, your door sensor. We also emphasise knowing your alarm code because forgetting it is one of the frequent, but many reasons false alarms happen.

You should also agree on a ‘safe’ word with your security company. So, if your alarm should go off and you don’t need assistance, you can prove that you aren’t in need of help using a single word.

If you would like to find out more about alarm monitoring, or the benefits of having a security assessment, please read out blogs, ” Here’s why you need a security assessment ” and ” Security monitoring, it’s much simpler and more effective than it sounds.  ” Alternatively, if you have any security related queries or questions please contact us , we’d be happy to advise and assist you.

By websitebuilder 10 Oct, 2018

People often think alarm monitoring  means their property and their lives will be under constant surveillance. Some even fear for their privacy.

Frequently, the term stirs up thoughts of the extremely popular 90’s reality television show, Big Brother. This, however, is certainly not the case.

Back to base alarm  monitoring has nothing to do with your life being secretly monitored, or watched.

What back to base alarm monitoring really means

Back to base alarm monitoring, in fact, has everything to do with your alarm system and nothing to do with monitoring your private life. Essentially, it focuses on the events that take place when something activates your alarm system.

As we’ve mentioned in other blogs, back to base monitoring means your alarm system’s signals are carefully analysed. Our fully-trained security personnel are the only ones with access to this information and they carry out the analysis.

Ultimately, if anything should trigger your alarm, our trained professionals are able to assess the situation and respond accordingly.

However, without a monitored alarm system in place, your home may be at risk. Your alarm system may do its job and send out a notification when it’s triggered. But, what happens if you don’t have a monitored alarm system? Nothing – the answer is nothing will happen.

Without alarm monitoring, there wouldn’t be a response to your home͛s distress signal. The reason? It’s because nobody is watching your home alarm systems signals, meaning there’s no one to respond to the distress call.

To clarify, ‘ back to base alarm monitoring ‘ has nothing to do with observing your life or your activities. Ultimately, it’s all about registering and responding to alarm signals as quickly and as effectively as possible.

Interested in upgrading your security system to include back to base alarm monitoring? Contact us  and we'll assist you with an obligation-free security assessment, as well as advice on how to best secure your home and your business.

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