Blog Post

Security for the 21st Century

  • By websitebuilder
  • 10 Oct, 2018

In a world where criminals are getting smarter, it’s important to have more than one security measure in place to protect your business property, equipment and employees.

Having a standard alarm system in place provides some protection and they are useful deterrents. However, by the time your alarm sounds, it means someone has already trespassed onto your business’s property.

We, at the Australian Security Company, believe in combining modern CCTV technology, professional manpower and alarm system monitoring services to provide comprehensive security to businesses who need it.

In fact, by combining CCTV security cameras, alarm monitoring and guard patrols we are able to watch and secure your business property when you aren’t able to.

Security must-have 1:

CCTV cameras keep a watchful eye on your property and provide a record of who enters your property and when. Having recorded evidence isn’t the only benefit of CCTV cameras. Did you know, their presence acts as a deterrent as well? After seeing a business has camera surveillance, criminals are less likely to try their luck.

Security must-have 2:

Along the same lines, guard patrols also help to deter criminal behaviour, such as robbery, vandalism and arson. Ultimately, our guards are available to actively monitor your premises and act as a preventative measure.

Our professional guard patrols operate throughout the Eastern Seaboard, including Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Sydney and Melbourne and are available to businesses in these regions.

Security must-have 3:

Last, but certainly not least, a monitored alarm system allows us to react quickly and effectively if trespassing or breaking and entering occurs.

Ultimately, with a monitored alarm system we’re are able to keep close watch over your alarm signals. This is important because these signals are the means by which we are informed about unusual or suspicious activity on your premises.

Want to know more about business security and the options available to you? Perhaps you’re looking for a security solution to fit your budget? Feel free to contact us and arrange an obligation free security assessment:

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